When shit goes down and sides are taken, you find out who was real and who was fakin.
When shit goes down and sides are taken, you find out who was real and who was fakin.
When shit goes down and sides are taken, you find out who was real and who was fakin.
Some friends are like pennies. Two-faced & worthless.
I’d rather have an enemy who says that they hate me, than to keep a “FRIEND” whose mission is to put me down secretly.
People these days are too fake. They say “I’m always here for you!” Bitch please! Give me a break.
Dealing with backstabbers there’s one thing I’ve learned, they are only powerful when ur back is turned.
B E S T F R I E N D is 10 letters but so is L Y I N G B I T C H!
You just have to learn to forget about the people, who forgot about you.
You just gotta deal with the shit people do. Not everyone in life is gonna stay true.
You start backstabbing me and going against your word, thinking “Oh she’ll never find out” but guess what….I heard.
I don’t need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod because my shadow does that much better.