I can’t believe I’ve been hear the entire evening with all these beautiful people and the moment I find ‘The One’, all I have time to say is “good bye”.

I can’t believe I’ve been hear the entire evening with all these beautiful people and the moment I find ‘The One’, all I have time to say is “good bye”.

My buddies over there said that I wouldn’t be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the bar. Wanna buy some drinks with some of their money?

My buddies over there said that I wouldn’t be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the bar. Wanna buy some drinks with some of their money?

(Walk up to someone and bite them anywhere) Sorry, taking a bite out of crime. [WHAT?] Well it has to be illegal to look that good!

(Walk up to someone and bite them anywhere) Sorry, taking a bite out of crime. [WHAT?] Well it has to be illegal to look that good!